►Menopause Symptoms Think you might be entering the change? Here are the 35 signs you need to look for...
►Premature Menopause For those women who want a better understanding of premature menopause, we need to start at the very beginning... |
Dong Quai for Menopause Relief For thousands of years, the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans have harvested the yellowish-brown, thick-branched dong quai roots for spice, tonics and medicine. The plant is harvest-ready in three years, when its root is at the apex of vigor and stamina, then it is harvested and formulated into tablets, powders, dried root slices, dried leaf, raw root or as liquid, extract, tinctures, teas or in ointments and creams, among other medicinal uses.
Natural Menopause Treatment More and more women going through menopause are seeking out both medical and so-called natural menopause treatments instead of being put on prescription drugs. There are a number of alternative remedies the traditionally prescribed HRT. Read on.
Thyroid and Menopause Although most women know the long list of symptoms associated with menopause, one that stumps most is thyroid and menopause. Considering that at the end of 2011 an estimated 50 million women in the United States will have reached menopausal years, or 18% of the total population, it is no wonder there are so many concerns and questions. In this article however, we wanted to address thyroid and the way in which it relates to the change of life so you will have important answers to important questions.
When it comes to menopause, attitude is everything. menopause is one of those things that every woman will experience in life, provided she lives long enough, no matter what. It's just a fact of life. It's also something that most women don't look forward to. BUT...that it's not the end of the world. For many women, it's just the beginning!
Menopause and Skin Problems Women going through menopause will be faced with a long list of changes, all because the body stops producing the hormone estrogen. You would not think one simple hormone could cause such a ruckus but it does. These changes are even more profound to women when they manifest themselves in the form of skin problems, but these too can be overcome. Read on!
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