Menopause A to Z


Chinese Herb for Relief of Menopause


For thousands of years, the Chinese have had a step up on the rest of the world when it comes to medicine. As the fathers of concoctions, we have learned so many things in this area from the Chinese to include Chinese herb relief for menopause. Because of their knowledge and available resources, the Chinese women fair well when it comes to dealing with symptoms of menopause. However, women in the United States and other countries have not been so fortunate. The good news is that more and more, we are becoming aware of all the options for Chinese herb relief of menopause, giving women a much-needed break.

For starters, one of the best Chinese herbs for relief of menopause symptoms is soy products. With this, soy contains high levels of isoflavones, which is a phytoestrogens or plant estrogen. In other words, since a woman’s body is not longer producing normal or adequate levels of estrogen during menopause, which is what causes so many problems, soy and soy products can be used as a replacement per se. In this case, the soy would act like a weaker form of the natural estrogen, providing relief. Additionally, this Chinese herb for relief of menopause helps protect against osteoporosis, therefore, making it an excellent option.

Another Chinese herb for relief of menopause symptoms is called Black Cohosh. This North American plant has actually been used in China for years to help with symptoms such as hot flashes, depression, and insomnia. This too acts as estrogen, which serves as a replacement, thus providing relief. Next, you have Dong Quai, which is a root of the plant called Angelica Sinesis. For centuries, the Chinese have been using Dong Quai for treating all types of problems, most commonly women with menstrual problems. However, new studies now show that this is another excellent Chinese herb for relief of menopause!

Ginseng is used in many Asian countries and because of this, you will discover several different types. While the various types are a little different from each other, most offer relief for some menopausal symptoms. As an example, many women will lose their desire to have sex during menopause because they no longer have adequate levels of estrogen. Then when you add in the fact that women experience vaginal dryness making intercourse uncomfortable, and sex becomes infrequent in many cases. This Chinese herb for relief of menopause is great for boosting sexual desire!

As you can see, these are just a few examples of the Chinese herbs for relief of menopause but you need to know that herbs are not governed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That means herbs do not go through the same rigid research and testing to ensure their validity and safety. Instead, the herbal industry promotes its own standards for herbal products, which you can use when buying products. The problem is that without a governing body, herbs are not controlled so you cannot be guaranteed of effectiveness from one product to another.

While Chinese herbs for relief of menopause symptoms have worked for thousands of years, you need to be aware of a few things before taking herbs when going through the change of life. First, talk to your doctor since herbs can interact with prescription medication as well as other herbs. If your doctor is unsure, your pharmacist can assist. In addition, you want to make sure your menopausal symptoms are actually associated with the change and not something else. Therefore, before you start taking Chinese herbs for relief of menopause symptoms, get checked out by your doctor. That way, you know the herbs are not masking a potential problem.

Finally, while many women gain exceptional relief from taking herbs, not all do. Therefore, keep your options open and if necessary, work with a reputable and licensed homeopathic doctor who can guide you through several possibilities. Menopause is tough enough as it is but with so many herbs available today, there is no reason to suffer. Menopause is a change but it does not have to be a life sentence of misery.


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