Menopause A to Z


Can You Get Pregnant During Menopause?


It is an ordinary concern of a lot of women as to whether or not it would be possible to conceive after menopause.

So... Can you get pregnant during menopause?

Once it is confirmed by your doctor that you have menopause, it would be impossible to get pregnant, as a result the worrying of protection during sex is not needed. Subsequent to menopause there are no eggs available in order for your ovaries to make the necessary release which is normally required to conceive. The eggs are needed to be present in order for fertilization and the growth for a little one.

As it is impossible to conceive after menopause, it however is possible to get pregnant through peri-menopause. Reason being that you are still ovulating now and again, and if there was sperm present during ovulation, it is possible that it could turn into a realistic fetus. Once you have completed menopause and your doctor confirms it, the use of protection is not required.

On the other hand, should you then wish to conceive during this period, it would be difficult since your eggs have matured and you will have no idea when you are ovulating. The popular contraception with women over the age of 40 is sterilization- tying up the fallopian tubes in order to prevent eggs entering your uterus. This is done under a general anesthetic with a recovery time of one day.

Peri-menopause is known as the time that leads up to the start of menopause, because at this stage ovaries shut down and the production of estrogen and progesterone are lessened, and this means no pregnancy. It is recommended that protection be used, should you not want to conceive during this period. The normal age, which women go through peri-menopause, is between the ages of 45 and 55; a number of younger women do start at an earlier age.

The signs of peri-menopause are:

· The stopping of your period
· Your period becomes either shorter or longer, either lighter or heavier
· You will experience a sudden rush of heat in your upper body
· Hot flushes while you are having a lie-down
· Difficulty in sleeping
· Vaginal aridity
· Alteration in your mood swings
· Having problems in concentration
· The loss or reduction of your tresses

As soon as your doctor has confirmed that your ovulation time is over and done with, and menopause is now the inevitable, you will have no other reason to worry on the subject of falling pregnant. The confirmation of a doctor would clear up everything in order for you to carry on and not be concerned about an unplanned pregnancy.

However, do not forget that during menopause you should still have to use protection when having intercourse, as menopause is not a safeguard in relation to sexually transmitted diseases. Menopause is a relief to a lot of women, as they have a more comfortable sex life and they would not be anxious of becoming pregnant any longer. The same goes for the purchasing of home pregnancy tests.

Can you fall pregnant during menopause?

Realistically, there is a possibility that a woman can fall pregnant during the menopause stage. The reason is the ovaries do not stop producing eggs immediately. This process happens gradually, and there will still be on and off intervals. If you wrongly think that you have entered an "off" period, and at the same time, neglect to take precaution, there are chances that you can fall pregnant.

The chance of a possible pregnancy lies in the irregularity of the menstrual period. Birth control is also what one should bear in mind at this stage even if pregnancy is near impossible. This should not be the time for you to fear the loss of your youth, instead allow it to be a festivity for an end to your periods.

Know that pregnancy and menopause can result in huge complications

Menopause comes with a few downsides. First of all, bone density is reduced and there are circulation problems. Besides, there are other ailments that your pregnancy can further aggravate. All this and the age of the woman, reduces the body’s elasticity, which can make a woman’s pregnancy very challenging.


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