Natural Progesterone Cream Can Ease Menopause SymptomsBy Dawn M. Olsen
Just because menopause is considered a perfectly natural thing for the female body to go through, doesn't mean it's easy to deal with. Many women who reach this stage in life find themselves seeking help for some of the more troublesome symptoms. Natural progesterone cream can sometimes help.
Natural progesterone cream is often found on the alternative medicine market and is sometimes available over the counter in pharmacies. This is a bio-identical hormone in most cases. This means natural progesterone cream has been made from plant or herb sources that have properties that mimic natural progesterone. The plant sources in many cases are considered safer for the body to handle than synthetic blends.
The benefits of natural progesterone cream are thought to be many. Progesterone itself is a normal hormone found in the body that tends to decrease in production around the time of menopause. This hormone is pivotal in the body's production of other hormones that relieve stress and anxiety. It also tends to slow or stop the production of some harmful substances in the body, such as cortisone. In addition, it is extremely useful in a number of other body functions. Progesterone is believed to help relieve anxiety, improve memory, protect brain cells, promotes bone growth and more. When its levels decline, a woman is very likely to notice. Having constant or at least reasonably high levels of this hormone can help keep the body in check.
Unfortunately, as a woman's body ages, the production of progesterone slows or ceases. When this happens, many of the symptoms of menopause can appear. When the symptoms become particularly severe or troublesome, many women seek out medical or alternative forms of help. Natural progesterone cream is then often suggested to help combat the issues. Since this form of treatment is easy to try and generally affordable, it's an option a lot of women turn to.
Although natural progesterone cream is found over the counter, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved its use. This means there is somewhat of a lack of long-term studies about the effectiveness and safety of its use. It also means that purity and potency levels in individual creams are not overseen by the FDA. There are, however, some studies that suggest progesterone in one form or another should be given if estrogen is. The effects of progesterone when prescribed with estrogen tend to help reduce the risks of developing some forms of cancer. Still, some concerns about progesterone exist.
Natural progesterone cream is joined by synthetic versions that are often prescribed as part of medically supervised hormone replacement therapy. The synthetic versions of progesterone have been tested and approved by the FDA. This also means that synthetic versions are regulated for purity and potency. Despite this, there are still some concerns related to cancer and other serious illnesses that go along with its use.
Serving to help replace the progesterone lost in the body during the course of menopause, natural progesterone cream can be a beneficial product to use during menopause. This cream, in synthetic or natural form, can help the body regain a balance that it is comfortable with. In turn, this can help alleviate mood swings and other troublesome symptoms of menopause.
Like all hormone replacement therapies, however, natural progesterone is not without its cause for concern. It is generally considered very smart for women to seek medical advice about using any form of hormone replacement therapy. The decision to proceed with using natural progesterone cream or other HRT medications should generally come after an open dialogue with a medical professional. The benefits should be carefully weighed against the risks.
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